Our Services

Accurate temperature data is critical. Joe Lord Systems have real-time data feeds from your wireless probes and can send instant commands based on temp readings. Our factory calibrated temperature probes are easy to install and can be located throughout your property. Easily move them around until you nd the desired location.

Just like the temperature probes, the soil moisture sensors provide a similar type of data feed to the master controller. Want to set up an automated irrigation plan? These sensors will play an integral role in achieving your goal of reduced water and energy usage by eliminating over-irrigation.

Easily step up from monitoring to controlling with the Joe Lord System Irrigation Automation. This system will start engines and pumps as well as track engine and pump vital statistics to ensure you have precise control of your operation. Increased efficiency will help reduce your labor and fuel costs, in addition to water conservation.

Joe Lord Systems can simplify your fluid storage worries. Keep track of water usage or water levels during wet or dry seasons with our pond level sensors.

Stay in touch with it all! We’ll work with your cell/data provider to set up text or email alerts to your mobile device. Want to be notified at preset temperatures or other conditions? Start/Stops, run times, mainline pressure, etc., the Alerting Service can be set up to keep you in the loop!

Spot trends over time and track your yields with the data logging service. Continuous weather conditions can be incorporated into the database to generate the graphs and reports to assist in your operations.

Ask about our new logging software! It tracks temperatures, moistures, engine sensors, engine run times, and weather stations. It also has satellite scans that show Vigor and ETc.